The Library is an intrinsic part of college. The library has a crucial role in supporting overall development of students, it has assumed great importance & new dimension today in the context of the phenomenal growth of knowledge. The college library is located in the 2ndfloor with reading capacity of 130 students. Library is managed by Mrs.G.R.PrameelaM.Li.Sc, Librarian. Library Committee constituted with the Principal as its Chairperson and members from different academic departments. The Committee extends advice and suggests new ideas from time to time regarding the developmental activities of the Library.
Library collection includes text books, reference books and manuals related to Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Pharmacy Management & related Subjects.Library has a collection of official books like the USP, BP, IP and Martindale. It has more than 7926 volumes with more than 1077 titles and 1343 e-books,1996 e-journals ,National ,International and online Journals in various disciplines of Pharmaceutical Sciences . Standard textbooks and books by well-known authors are stocked, and every effort is made to obtain all titles recommended by the faculty. Multiple copies of popular books are bought to make them available to as many students as possible. The library has a subscription for various national and international Journals in print form which helps the students to appreciate the research work in pharmacy field. Library is completely automated and provides Internet facility to the students.
Three books are issued to all students for a period of one week. Photo copying service is available to all at a nominal cost. Besides circulation of books& periodicals the library staff is always ready to render reference services to readers.
The library at RBVRR WCOP caters the need of the students in the fast changing scenario in the competitive World by providing a large collection of books .
To provide a source of information which enable students to develop innovative learningthroughout life.
To provide materials that will enable students acquisition of factual knowledge and develop critical thinking and reading to face the competitive world.
To provide cutting-edge facilities and services to support research, teaching, learning, and scholarly communication across all academic disciplines.
The college is equipped with digital library facility, having subscription for This virtual library, K-Hub offers a comprehensive compilation of databases covering 1996 no’s e-journals, 1343 no’s e-books, e-articles, 6 e-newspaper, e-newsletter, 4case reports, videos online sample issues, article submission for authors.
E Resources available in the Library( The list given below are free websites except K-Hub, the list would be added more)