S.No. | Title of the Book | PUBLICATION AGENCY/AUTHOR |
1 | USP 29/NF 24 (with a Supp.B) 2006 | US Pharmacopoeial Convention |
2 | USP 42/NF 37 (with a Supp.) , Second Suppl. 5 vol. set. 2014 | US Pharmacopoeial Convention |
3 | USP 42/NF 37 (with a Supp.) , Second Suppl – 2. , 5 vol. set. 2019 | US Pharmacopoeial Convention |
4 | Merk Index an Encyclopedia of Drugs Chemicals & Biologicals 13th ed. | Margadela, J.O. Nall |
5 | Merk Index an Encyclopedia of Drugs Chemicals & Biologicals 15th ed. | Margadela, J.O. Nall |
6 | International Pharmacopoeia 2005 vol.1 | W.H.O |
7 | International Pharmacopoeia 2005 vol.2 | W.H.O |
8 | International Pharmacopoeia 2005 vol.3 | W.H.O |
9 | International Pharmacopoeia 2005 vol.4 | W.H.O |
10 | International Pharmacopoeia 1995 vol.4 | W.H.O |
11 | International Pharmacopoeia 2005 vol.5 | W.H.O |
12 | Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India vol.1 to 4 | W.H.O |
13 | Indian Pharmacopoeia 1996 vol.1 & II | The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission |
14 | Indian Pharmacopoeia 2002 Addendum | The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission |
15 | Indian Pharmacopoeia 2007 vol.3. I,II & III | The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission |
16 | Indian Pharmacopoeia 2010 vol.3. I,II & III | The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission |
17 | Indian Pharmacopoeia 2012 Addendum | The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission |
18 | Indian Pharmacopoeia 2014 vol.4. I,II ,III & IV | The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission |
19 | Indian Pharmacopoeia 2018 vol.4. I,II ,III & IV | The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission |
20 | Indian Pharmacopoeia 2022 vol.4. I,II,III &IV | The Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission |
21 | British Pharmacopoeia (a,b,c,d,e) 2008 5 vol.set. | British Pharmacopoeia Commission |
22 | British Pharmacopoeia (a,b,c,d,e) 2019 5 vol.set. With veterinary. | British Pharmacopoeia Commission |
23 | Martindale:The Complete Drug References 40th edition . 2 volumes. | Robert Backingham |
24 | Basic of Health education | Goyal,R.K. |
25 | and Community pharmacy | Bhatt,P.A. |
26 | Park’s Text Book of preventive & Social Medicine 18th ed. | Park,K. |
27 | Human physiology vol.I & II. 11th ed. Reprint 2005 | Chatterjee,C.C. |
28 | Human physiology vol.I & II. 11th ed. Reprint 2007 | Chatterjee,C.C. |
29 | Ross & Wilson Anatomy & Physiology in health & Iiiness 9.ed. | Waugh,Anne |
30 | Ross & Wilson Anatomy & Physiology in health & Iiiness 10.ed. | Waugh,Anne |
31 | Ross & Wilson Anatomy & Physiology in health & Iiiness 11.ed. | Waugh,Anne |
32 | Principles of Anatomy & Physiology 11th ed. | Tortora,G.J. |
33 | Principles of Anatomy & Physiology 2 volume set. 12th ed. | Tortora,G.J. |
34 | Principles of Anatomy & Physiology (Indian edition) | Tortora,G.J. |
35 | Principles of Anatomy & Physiology (Global edition) | Tortora,G.J. |
36 | Human anatomy& physiology | Maheshwari,U. |
37 | Human education & Community Pharmacy | Parmar,N.S. |
38 | Text Book of Medical physiology | Guyton,A.C. |
39 | Anatomy physiology & Health Education | Phate,R.P. |
40 | Practical Human Anatomy & Pharmacy 13th ed. | Kale,S.R. |
41 | Practical Human Anatomy & Pharmacy 19th ed. | Kale,S.R. |
42 | Hand Book of Health Education & Community pharmacy 1st ed 2005 | Gupta,A.K. |
43 | Hand Book of Health Education & Community pharmacy 1st ed 2014 | Gupta,A.K. |
44 | Ethnomedicine & Human welfare vol. 3. | Irfan Ali Khan. |
45 | Basic Anatomy & Physiology | Murugesh,N. |
46 | Health education & community Pharmacy | Murugesh,N. |
47 | Anatomy physiology & Health Education | Murugesh,N |
48 | Elements of Human anatomy Physiology & Health education 15th ed. | Ramesh, K.G. |
49 | Elements of Human anatomy Physiology & Health education 23rd ed. | Ramesh, K.G. |
50 | Pathophysiology | Ghadi,P. |
51 | Text Book of Practical Physiology | Ghai,C.L |
52 | Basic Pathology | Kumar,Abbas |
53 | Health Education & Community Pharmacy 15th ed. | Bhise,S.B,Yadav,A.V |
54 | Health Education & Community Pharmacy 18th ed. | Bhise,S.B,Yadav,A.V |
55 | Text book of Anotomy & Physiologyfor nurses & Allied Health Sciences | Khurana Indu Arushi |
56 | Essential of Medical Physiology | Sembulingam, K |
57 | Textbook . of Pathology. (Pathology Quick Review, Based Harsh Mohan’s T.B.of Pathology 8th edt. | Mohan Harsh |
58 | Ghai’s textbook of Practical Physiology | Varshney, V.p., Bedi Mona |
59 | Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry. Part- I & II 1st edn. | Rangari,V.D. |
60 | Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry. Part- I & II 4th edn. | Rangari,V.D. |
61 | Pharmacognosy 33rd ed. | Kokate,C.K |
62 | Pharmacognosy 46th ed. | Kokate,C.K |
63 | Pharmacognosy 53rd ed. | Kokate,C.K |
64 | Trease & Evans Pharmacognosy 15th | Evans, W.C. |
65 | Trease & Evans Pharmacognosy 16th | Evans, W.C. |
66 | Pharmacognosy & Pharmacobiotechnology | Kar, A |
67 | Text Book of Pharmacognosy | Mohd Ali |
68 | Text Book of Pharmacognosy | Bhandari,A |
69 | Practical Pharmacognosy | Zafar,R |
70 | Text Book of Pharmacognosy | Wallis,T.E |
71 | Practical Pharmacognosy | Kokate,C.K |
72 | Pharmacognosy | Kokate,C.K |
73 | Pharmacognosy | Sagar,V.G |
74 | Text Book of Pharmacognosy | Murugesh,N |
75 | Text Book of Pharmacognosy | Handa,S.S |
76 | Study of Crude Drugs | Iyengar,M.A |
77 | Anotomy of Crude Drugs | Iyengar,M.A |
78 | Pharmacognosy of Powdered Crude Drugs. 7th ed. | Iyengar,M.A |
79 | Pharmacognosy of Powdered Crude Drugs. 10th ed. | Iyengar,M.A |
80 | Practical Pharmacognosy 14th ed. | Khandelwal,K.R |
81 | Practical Pharmacognosy 22nd ed. | Khandelwal,K.R |
82 | Handbook of Medicinal Plants | Chattacharjee,S.K. |
83 | Handbook of AromaticPlants | Chattacharjee,S.K. |
84 | Medicinal plants of India an Encyclopoedia | Sharma,R |
85 | Compendium of Indian Medicinal Plants Volumes set-1 to 6 (a,b,c,d,e,f) | Rastogi,R.P |
86 | Indian materia Medica volumes.1 to IV | NadKarnis,K.M |
87 | Medicinal plants of India | Zafar,R |
88 | Cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic crops | Sreeramu,B.S |
89 | Medicinal plants Plants vol.2 | Joshi ,S.G |
90 | Quality Control of Herbal Drugs 1st ed. (2005 Reprint) | Mukherjee,P.K |
91 | Quality Control of Herbal Drugs 1st ed. (2012 Reprint) | Mukherjee,P.K |
92 | G M P for Botanicals | Mukherjee,P.K |
93 | Standerdization of Botanicals | Rajpal,V |
94 | Herbal therepy for Diabetes | Irfan Ali Khan |
95 | Quality control methods for medicinal plant materials | W.H.O |
96 | Herbal Drugs Industry | Chaudhri,R.D. |
97 | Flowering Plants of Chittor District | Madhavachetty |
98 | Pharmacognosy | Tylor,Varro,E |
99 | Herbal Drug Technology | Agarwal,S.S |
100 | Text book of Industrial Pharmacognosy | Kashi,Anasuya,R |
101 | Pharmacognosy & Phyto Chemistry a | Deore,S.L. Baviskar |
102 | Comprehensive Approach | Khadabadi,S.S |
103 | Textbook. of Pharmacognosy & Phyto chemistry 2nd ed. | Shah,Boren,Seth,A.K |
104 | Textbook. of Pharmacognosy & Phyto chemistry 2nd ed.(2022 Reprint) | Shah,Boren,Seth,A.K |
105 | Essentials of Pharmacognosy | Dr.Ansari, S.H |
106 | Textbook. of Industrial Pharmacognosy | Kalia, A.N |
107 | Current Trends in Herbal Drug Technology | Dr.Sathya, S |
108 | A Textbook. of Herbal Drug Technology | Dr.Pragi Arora |
109 | Dietetics | Sri Lakshmi, B |
110 | Plant Tissue Culture (2018 Reprint) | Kumar Kalyan, De |
111 | Plant Tissue Culture (2020 Reprint) | Kumar Kalyan, De |
112 | Role of Dietary Finers and Nutraceuticals in Preventing Disease. | Augusti, K.T, Faizal,P |
113 | Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry – II ,Theory and Practical. | Deore, Sharada,L |
114 | Phytochemicals for Diabetic Complications | Veeresham Ciddi, |
115 | Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. – II. Theory and Practical. | Deore, Sharada,L |
116 | Text Book of Microbiology | Arora,D.R. |
117 | Text Book of Microbiology 7th ed. | Ananthanaryan |
118 | Text Book of Microbiology 8th ed. | Ananthanaryan |
119 | General Microbiology — 2 volumes set. vol.1 & II | Powar & Daginawala |
120 | Industrial Microbiology 1st edn.2006 reprint | Patel,A.H. |
121 | Pharmaceutical Microbiology | Bhatt,D.C. |
122 | Concept & Technology | Asgar Ali. |
123 | Microbiology 5th ed. | Pelczar,M.J. |
124 | Applied Microbiology ( 2010 Reprint) | Pelczar,M.J. |
125 | Microbiology 5th ed. (2014 Reprint) | Pelczar,M.J. |
126 | Immunology | Shelty,N |
127 | Pharmaceutical Microbiology Hugo & Russells 7th edn. 2005 | Denyer,Stephen,P |
128 | Pharmaceutical Microbiology Hugo & Russells 8th edn. 2013 reprint | Hodges Norman |
129 | Pharmaceutical Microbiology Hugo & Russells 8th edn.2019 reprint | Denyer,Stephen,P |
130 | Pharmaceutical Microbiology | Purohit,S.S |
131 | Microbiology Fundamental & Application | Purohit,S.S |
132 | Pharmaceutical Microbiology | Jain,N.K. |
133 | Immunology | Weir,D.M |
134 | Lecture notes, Immunology | Todd,I |
135 | Medical Microbiology | Green Wood,D |
136 | Laboratory Experiments in Microbiology | Gopal Reddy,M |
137 | General Microbiology | Stainer,Y |
138 | Workbook Microbiology | Jaya babu Mudili |
139 | Industrial Microbiology (2007 reprint) | Casida,L.E |
140 | Industrial Microbiology 2009 reprint) | Casida,L.E |
141 | Industrial Microbiology 2nd edn. 2016 | Patel,A.H. |
142 | Experiments in Microbiology plant Pathology& Biotechnology.4th edn. 2009 reprint. | Aneeja,K.R |
144 | A Text book of Microbiology 2nd edt. | Chakraborthy |
145 | A Text book of Microbiology 3rd edt. | Chakraborthy |
146 | Microbial Biotechnology, Fundamentals of | Glazer, Alexander,N |
147 | Text Book of Basic & Clinical Immunology | Gangal, Sudha |
148 | Essentials Microbiology for Pharmacy & | Hanlon,Geoffrey |
149 | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Hodges,Norman |
150 | Microbial Technology Microbial Process – Vol-I & II | Perriman, Peppler |
151 | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology | Kori,S.S |
152 | Text Book of Biotechnology | Dubey,R.C. |
153 | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology | Robert,D.S |
154 | Plant tissue Culture & Biotechnology | Kishore,P.B.K |
155 | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology | Vyas,S.P |
156 | Essentials of Biology & Biotechnology | Bahadur,B |
157 | Plant Biotechnology Laboratory Manual | Chawla,H.S |
158 | Forest product Biotechnology | Palfreyman,J.W |
159 | Hand book of Pharmaceutical Technology | Ghosh,L.K |
160 | Modern Concepts of Biotechnology | Kumar,H.D |
161 | Plant Biotechnology | Scott,N.W |
162 | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology | Purohit,S.S |
163 | Biotechnology and Biopharmaceuticals | Rodney,J.Y. |
164 | Pharmacogenomics | Werner,Kalow |
165 | Protein Expression Technologies Current Status and future Trende | Baneyx,Francois |
166 | Biotechnology 4th Revised ed. | Singh,B.D |
167 | Biotechnology 5th Revised ed. | Singh,B.D |
168 | Principles of Fermentation Technology | Stanbury,P.F |
169 | Hand book of Pharmacogenomics | Cavallari,Larisa,M |
170 | Biotechnology | Satyanaryana,U |
171 | Kuby Immunology | Goldshy,Kindt |
172 | Molecular Biotechnology | Primrose, S.B |
173 | Current Trends in Biotechnology | Dr. Satyalakshmi,S |
174 | Concise Course in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology | Dr. Rajesh Gollapudi |
175 | A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology | Akshay Shashikant Patil |
176 | Models for Assesing Drug Absorption and Metabolism(Pharmaceutical Biotechnology) | Borchardt, Ronald, T, Smith, Philip, L |
177 | Elementary Bioinformatics | Imtiyaz Alam Khan |
178 | Instant Notes Bioinformatics | Twymen,R.M |
179 | Introduction to Bioinformatics | Smith,D.J.Parry, Attwood |
180 | Basic Concepts of Bioinformatics | Irfan Ali Khan |
181 | Essentials of Bioinformatics | Irfan Ali Khan |
182 | Fundamentals of Bioinformatics | Irfan Ali Khan |
183 | Bioinformatics Sequence & Genome Analysis | Mount,D.W |
184 | Emerging Trends in Bioinformatics | Irfan Ali Khan |
185 | Recent advances in Bioinformatics | Irfan Ali Khan |
186 | Protein design methods &applications | Guerois |
187 | Phamacogenetics | Hall.i.p |
188 | Bioinformatics 1st edn. 2008 reprint. | Murthy.CSV |
189 | Bioinformatics 1st edn. 2016 reprint. | Murthy.CSV |
190 | Bioinformatics | N.J.Chikhale,v.s Gomase |
191 | Elementary Pharmacoinformatics | Anand Kumar, Dhurai,T |
192 | Bioinformatics Concepte, Sills & Applications | Rastogi, S.C, Namita, Mandirath |
193 | Molecular Biology | Freifelder,D |
194 | Molecular Biology of The Gene | Watson, J.D |
195 | Principles of Genetics | Snustad,P.D |
196 | Recombinant DNA | Watson, J.D |
197 | Principles of Fermentation Technology | Stanbury,P.F |
198 | Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture | Razdan,N.K |
199 | Molecular Biology and Boiotechnology | Waltoer,J.M, Ropley,R |
200 | Intermediate First year Botany | Sujatha |
201 | Intermediate Second year Botany | Sujatha |
202 | Botany for Degree students | Dutta,AC |
203 | Text book of pharmaceutical Biology | Sardana,S |
204 | Invertebrate Zoology | Dhami,P.S |
205 | Modern Text book of Zoology Invertebrates | Kotpal,R.L |
206 | Cytology | Rajan,S.S |
207 | Cell Biology | Powar,C.B |
208 | Cytology | Verma,P.S, Agarwal,V.K |
209 | Introductory Botany | Bendre,A.M, Pande,P.C |
210 | Text Book of Botany 1st year | Murthy,B.R.C |
211 | Text Book of Botany II nd year | Pande,P.C |
212 | Practical Zoology vertebrate | Lal,S.S |
213 | Text Book of Botany | Singh,M.P, Sarma,A.K |
214 | Introductory Modern Botany | Sundara Rajan,S |
215 | Elements of pant physiology | Sarabhai,B.P |
216 | Class Book of Botany | Dutta, A.C |
217 | Morphology & Economic Botany of Angiosperms. | Sundara Rajan,S |
218 | Plane Trigonometry Part – I | Loney,S.L |
219 | Plane Trigonometry Part-II | Loney,S.L |
220 | Integral Calculus | Narayan, S, Mithal,P.K |
221 | Differential Calculus | Narayan, S |
222 | Mathematics vol.II for senior Vol-II | Venkateswara Rao, V |
223 | Intermediate Mathematics Vol-II (A&B) | Krishna Murthy,N |
224 | Mathematics vol.I for Junior Vol-I | Venkateshwara Rao,V |
225 | Intermediate Mathematics Vol-I (A&B) | Krishna Murthy,N |
226 | Analytical Solid Geometry | Narayan, S, Mithal,P.K |
227 | Analytical Solid Geometry | Chatterjee,D |
228 | Pharmaceutical Arithmetic | Jain,N.K |
229 | Statistics | Elhance,D.N |
230 | Clarks Tables | Tennent,R.M |
231 | Pharmaceutical Mathematics | Panchaksharappa, Gowda, H.H |
232 | Let us C++ | Kanetkar,Y.P |
233 | Computer Fundamentals 3 edn | Sinha,P.K |
234 | Computer Fundamentals 6th edn. | Sinha,P.K |
235 | Programming in ANSL C | Balaguruswamy,E |
236 | Computer Fundamentals Architecture & Organisation | Ram,B |
237 | Comdex Computer course kit | Gupta, Vikas. |
238 | Working in Microsoft office14th reprint 2006 | Ron Mansfield |
239 | Working in Microsoft office 19th reprint 2010 | Ron Mansfield |
240 | Computer programming in C | Rajaraman,V |
241 | Programming with C | Byton S. Gottfried, Schaum’s outline |
242 | SQL, PL / SQL Programming Language of Oracle | Iran Bayross |
243 | Computer in Pharmacy | Thakur, P.S |
244 | Letus C | Kanetkar,Y.P. |
245 | Database System Concepts | Korth ,H.F. |
246 | Multi media & Web Design | Vikas Guptha |
247 | Computer Applications in Pharmaceutical Research and Development | Ekin,sean |
248 | Textbook of computer Applications in Pharmaceutical Science & Managment. | Tanwar,T.S |
249 | Principles of Environmental Studies | Manoharachary,C |
250 | Hand Book of Environmental vol.1 Laws,Acts, Guidelines, Compliances and standards | Trivedy,R.K |
251 | Hand Book of Environmental vol.2 | Trivedy,R.K |
252 | Introduction to Environmental Science 1st reprint 2005 | Anjaneyulu,Y |
253 | Introduction to Environmental Science 4th reprint 2009 | Anjaneyulu,Y |
254 | Text book of Environmental Science | Bharucha,E |
255 | Principles of Environmental Studies Ecology,Economics(Management&Law) | Manohara Chary,C |
256 | An Introduction to Air Pollution | Trivedy, R.K |
257 | Objective Question Bank & Glossary in Environmental Studies | Vidyasagar,G, Prasadini,Prabhu |
258 | Textbook. of Environmental Science & Technology | Anji Reddy,N |
259 | Environmental Studies 3rd edn. 2010 reprint. | Kaushik,Anubha |
260 | Environmental Studies 4th edn. 2014 reprint. | Kaushik,Anubha |
261 | Environmental Studies 1st edn. 2019 | Kaushik,Anubha |
262 | The Biodiversity of India (With CD) | Bharucha , Erach |
263 | Environmental Chemistry | De, A.K |
264 | Environmental Encyclopeia | Cunningham,P,Wiilliam |
265 | Selections from modern English Prose | Panda,H |
266 | Developing Communication skills 1st ed. | Krishna,Mohan |
267 | Developing Communication skills 2nd ed. | Krishna,Mohan |
268 | Business Correspondence & Report writing 3rd edn. | Mohan, Sharma |
269 | Business Correspondence & Report writing 4th edn. | Mohan, Sharma |
270 | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary | Hornby,A.S. |
271 | English Online 1st edn. 2002 reprint. | Jayshree Mohan Raj |
272 | English Online 1st edn. 2008 reprint. | Jayshree Mohan Raj |
273 | Business Communication Strategies 12th reprint 2006 | Matthukutty,Monipally,M |
274 | Business Communication Strategies 13rh reprint 2007 | Matthukutty,Monipally,M |
275 | Exercises in spoken English Part-I,II&III | —— |
276 | Communicative English 1st edn. 2009 reprint. | Sreehari,P,Suresh,Kumar,E |
277 | Communicative English 1st edn. 2010 reprint. | Sreehari,P,Suresh,Kumar,E |
278 | Communicative Competence | Bhaskar Rao,V |
279 | Essen. Key for corporate Threshold | Nelson, Depika |
280 | Soft Skills for Everyone | Butterfield Jeff |
281 | Communication Skills | Kumar Sanjay,Lata Pushp |
282 | Personality Development and Soft Skills | Mitra Barun, K |
283 | Organizational Behavior | Robbins, Stephen,P |
284 | The Ace of Soft Skills 1st impression 2010 | Ramesh, Gopala Swamy |
285 | The Ace of Soft Skills 13th impression 2018 | Ramesh, Gopala Swamy |
286 | Basic Communication Skills for Technology | Rotherfoord, Andrea,J |
287 | Brilliant Communication Skills | Hassan Gill |
288 | Text book Book of Forensic pharmacy 10th edn. | Mittal B.M |
289 | Text book Book of Forensic pharmacy 18th Reprint | Mittal B.M |
290 | Pharmaceutical Jurisprodence & Ethics 4th edn. | Agarwal,S.P |
291 | Pharmaceutical Jurisprodence & Ethics 5th edn. | Agarwal,S.P |
292 | Forensic Pharmacy 10th edn. | Suresh,B |
293 | Forensic Pharmacy 18th edn. | Suresh,B |
294 | Pharmaceutical Jurisprodence second year Diploma in Pharmacy | Kuchekar,B.S |
295 | Pharmaceutical Jurisprodence 7th edn. | Kuchekar,B.S |
296 | Pharmaceutical Jurisprodence 13th edn. | Khadatare, A.M |
297 | Pharmaceutical Jurisprodence 2020 edn. | Kuchekar,B.S |
298 | IPR Hand book for pharma students and Researchers 2008 | Bansal,Parikshit |
299 | IPR Hand book for pharma students and Researchers 5th reprint 2017 | Bansal,Parikshit |
300 | A Textbook of Forensic Pharmacy | Jain, N.K |
301 | FDA Regulatory Affairs | Mantus David |
302 | Drug Regulatory Affairs | Sachin Itkar |
303 | New Drug Approval Process | Guarino,Richard,A |
304 | The Medicinal and Toilet Preparations Act 1985 | Professional book Publishers |
305 | Iyer’s Comprehensive Classic on the Narcotic Drugs And Psychotropic substances Act 1985 Vol-I & II | Delhi Law House |
306 | The Drugs and Magic Remedies Act, 1954 | Professional book Publishers |
307 | Drugs from Discovery to Approval | Rick, N.G |
308 | Introduction to Biostatistics & Computer Science | Shah,Y.I |
309 | Fundamentals of Biostatistics 2nd revised edn. (2004) | Khan & Khanum |
310 | Fundamentals of Biostatistics 4th edn. (2016) | Khan & Khanum |
311 | Fundamentals of Biostatistics 5th edn. (2018) | Khan & Khanum |
312 | Biostatistics: A Foundation for Analysis in the health sciences 7th edn. | Daniel,Wayne,W |
313 | Biostatistics Basic concepts and methodology for the health sciences 10th edn. 2017 reprint. | Daniel,Wayne,W |
314 | Theory and Problems of Probability and Statistics | Murray,R.Spiegel |
315 | Statistics for Biologists | Cambell,R.C |
316 | Statistics & Drug Research Methodologies & | Chaw,Shein Ching |
317 | Research Development | Shao Jem |
318 | Statistics For Biology & Health | Naike Ting |
319 | Biostatistics for Pharmacy | Khan & Khanum |
320 | Pharmaceutical Research Methodology and Biostatisctics. Theory and Practice. | Subba Rao Bayya |
321 | Design and Analysis of Experiments 5th edn. | Montogomery, Douglas, C |
322 | Design and Analysis of Experiments 8th edn. | Montogomery, Douglas, C |
323 | Design And Analysis of Experiments | Panneerselvam, R |
324 | Research Methadology and Biostatosctocs | Dr.Vinod Kumar Bais |
325 | A Textbook. of Biostatistics and Research Methadology | Dr.Dwivedi Sumeet |
326 | Fundamentals of Biostatistics 5th edn. (2018) | Khan & Khanum |
327 | Industrial Engineering & Management | Khanna,O.P |
328 | Drug store & business Management | Mohd, Ali |
329 | Principles of pharmaceutical Marketing | Smith,M |
330 | Pharmaceutical Industrial Management | Sagar,V.G |
331 | Emergency first aid safety oriented | Sharma,N |
332 | Principles & Practice of Drug store Administration | Burande, M.D |
333 | Pharmaceutical Industrial Management | Mehta,R.M |
334 | Principles & Practice of contamination control & clean rooms | Moorthy,C.K |
335 | Pharmaceutical Management | Ahuja, A, Javed Ali |
336 | Principles of Marketing | Kotles,P. |
337 | Operation Research | Kapoor,U.K |
338 | Hand book of drug store and business Management | Gupta ,Ashok |
339 | Pharmaceutical Production & Management | Subrahmanyam,cvs |
340 | Marketing Management | Kotler,Philip |
341 | Marketing Management | Panda,Tapank |
342 | Marketing Management | Karunakaran |
343 | Marketing Management | Ramaswamy,V.S |
344 | Pharmaceutical engineering | Subrahmanyam,C.V.S |
345 | Introduction to Pharmaceutical Engineering | Paradkar,A.R |
346 | Pharmaceutical Engineering 2nd edn. 2005 | Sambamurthy,K |
347 | Pharmaceutical Engineering 2nd edn. 2010 reprint. | Sambamurthy,K |
348 | Introduction to Chemical Engineering 14th reprint 2006 | Badger,W.L |
349 | Introduction to Chemical Engineering 26th reprint 2011 | Badger,W.L |
350 | Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering | Smith,J.C,Harriott,P |
351 | Unit Operations 1st edn. 2005 reprint. | Brown,G.G |
352 | Rate Constrolled Separations | Wankat,P.C |
353 | Chemical Engineers Hand book | Perry,R.H |
354 | Pharmaceutical Engineering Practical Manual | Sudhakar Reddy,P, M.Gopal Rao |
355 | Laboratory Manual of Pharmaceutical Engineering | Subramanyam, C.V.S |
356 | Pharmaceutical Engineering Unit Opetation-I | Subramanyam, C.V.S |
357 | Pharmaceutical Engineering Unit Opetation-II | Subramanyam, C.V.S |
358 | Meterial & Energy Balances 2nd Edn. | Watspm,K.M |
359 | Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering | Mc Cabe, Warre, L, Smith, Julian,C |
360 | Pharmaceutical Process Engineering | Hickey, Anthony, J |
361 | Pharmaceutics – I | Mehta,R.M |
362 | Pharmaceutics – I (5th edition) | Mehta,R.M |
363 | Pharmaceutics – I (6th edition) | Mehta,R.M |
364 | Pharmaceutics – II (2nd edition) | Mehta,R.M |
365 | Pharmaceutics – II (3rd edition) | Mehta,R.M |
366 | Pharmaceutics – II (4th edition) | Mehta,R.M |
367 | Pharmaceutical Technology | Muthuprasanna |
368 | Introduction to pharmaceutics – I | Gupta, A.K |
369 | Introduction to pharmaceutics – II | Gupta, A.K |
370 | Pharmaceutics – I | Agarwal,SP, |
371 | Pharmaceutics – II | Khanna,R |
372 | Practical pharmaceutics | Gaud,RS, Gupta,G.D |
373 | Text Book of pharmaceutics 8th edition 2005 | Bentley’s , Rawlins,E.A |
374 | Text Book of pharmaceutics 8th edition 2010 | Bentley’s , Rawlins,E.A |
375 | Pharmacuetics – I (Practical note book) 1st edn. 2005 Reprint | Gupta,A.K |
376 | Pharmacuetics – I (Practical note book) 1st edn. 2007 | Gupta,A.K |
377 | Pharmacuetics- II (Practical note book) 2nd edition 2005 Reprint | Gupta,A.K |
378 | Pharmacuetics – II (Practical note book) 2nd edition 2008 Reprint | Gupta,A.K |
379 | Pharmaceutics – I & II | Kasture,P.V |
380 | Essentials of physical pharmacy 1st edn. 2005 reprint. | Subrahmanyam,C.V.S |
381 | Essentials of physical pharmacy 1st edn. 2008 reprint. | Subrahmanyam,C.V.S |
382 | Essentials of physical pharmacy 1st edn. 2018 reprint. | Subrahmanyam,C.V.S |
383 | Quality assurance & Quality Management in pharmaceutical Industry | Anjaneyulu,Y |
384 | Quality Control of packaging materials in the pharmaceutical Industry | Kenneth,Herburn |
385 | Quality assurance of Pharmaceuticals Vol-I & II | W.H.O |
386 | Text book of physical pharmacy | Hadkar,K.B |
387 | Practical Physical Pharmacy | Gaud,R.S, Gupta, G.D |
388 | Pharmaceutical Dispensing | Khar,R.W, Nand,P |
389 | Physical pharmacy | Khusnoor,A |
390 | Physical Chemistry | Moore,W.J |
391 | What everyone should know about Patents | Subbaram,N.R |
392 | Hand Book of Cosmetics 1st edn. 2005 reprint. | Mithal,B.M |
393 | Hand Book of Cosmetics 1st edn. 14th reprint.2019 | Mithal,B.M |
394 | Cooper & Gunn’s Dispensing for Pharmaceutical students | Carter,S.J |
395 | Cosmetics formulation manufacturing & quality control. | Sharma,P.P |
396 | Modern Dispensing pharmacy 2nd edn.2005 | Gaud,R.S,Pawar |
397 | Modern Dispensing pharmacy 2nd edn.2006 reprint | Gaud,R.S,Pawar |
398 | Modern Dispensing pharmacy 4th edn. 2016 reprint | Gaud,R.S,Pawar |
399 | Modern Dispensing pharmacy 4th edn. 2017 reprint | Gaud,R.S,Pawar |
400 | Text book of Hospital & clinical pharmacy 2005-6 reprint | Nand,P, Khar,R.K |
401 | Text book of Hospital & clinical pharmacy 15th edition. | Nand,P, Khar,R.K |
402 | Text book of Dispensing & Community Pharmacy (pharmaceutics-IV) | Agarwal,S.P |
403 | Cooper & Gunn’s Tutorial pharmacy | Carter,S.J |
404 | Hospital & Clinical pharmacy | Paradkar, A.R |
405 | Pharmacy practice | Curtis,S.J, Stone,P |
406 | Text book of Hospital pharmacy 6th edn.2003-04 | Merchant,H.S, Qadry’s,J.S |
407 | Text book of Hospital pharmacy 10th edn. 2008-09 | Merchant,H.S,Ramesh, K, Goyal |
408 | Text book of Hospital pharmacy 13th edn. 2015-16 | Merchant,H.S,Ramesh, K, Goyal |
409 | Text book of Hospital pharmacy 14th edn. 2018-19 | Merchant,H.S, Ramesh, K, Goyal |
410 | The Theory & practice of Industrial Pharmacy3rd edn. | Lachman,L |
411 | The Theory & practice of Industrial Pharmacy special indian edn 2009 | Lachman,L |
412 | The Theory & practice of Industrial Pharmacy 4th edn. | Lachman,L |
413 | Biopharmaceutics & Clinical Pharmacokinetics 1st edn. 2nd reprint 2008 | Venkateswarlu,V |
414 | Biopharmaceutics & Clinical Pharmacokinetics 2nd edn. 4th reprint 2013 | Venkateswarlu,V |
415 | Biopharmaceutics & Clinical Pharmacokinetics | Gibaldi,M |
416 | Text book of Professional pharmacy 5th edn. | Jain,N.K, Sharma,S.N |
417 | Text book of Professional pharmacy. 6th edn. | Jain,N.K, Sharma,S.N |
418 | Text book of Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics | Javed,Ali |
419 | Principles & application of Biopharmaceutics & pharmacokinetics | Tipnis,H.P, Bajaj,A |
420 | Practical Hospital & clinical pharmacy | Paradkar,A.R |
421 | Clinical pharmacokinetics | Rowland,M |
422 | Biopharmaceutics & pharmacokinetics a treatise | Jaiswal,S.B, Brahmankar,D.M |
423 | Pharmaceutical Dosage forms & Drug Delivery 7.ed. | Ansel,H.C, Allen,L.V |
424 | Pharmaceutical Dosage forms & Drug Delivery 8th ed. | Ansel,H.C, Allen,L.V |
425 | Pharmaceutical Dosage forms & Drug Delivery 9th ed. | Ansel,H.C, Allen,L.V |
426 | Pharmaceutics : The Science of Dosage form Design 2nd edn. | Aulton,M.E |
427 | Pharmaceutics : The Science of Dosage form Design 3rd edn | Aulton,M.E |
428 | Pharmaceutical practice | Winfield,A.J.ed. |
429 | Biopharmaceutics & clinical pharmacokinetics (an introduction) | Notari,R.E |
430 | Modern pharmaceutics vol.121 | Banker,G.S, Rhodes,C.T |
431 | Novel Drug Delivery Systems | Yie,W,Chien |
432 | Text bookof pharmaceutical Formulation 6th edn. 2005 reprint | Mithal,B.M |
433 | Text bookof pharmaceutical Formulation 6th edn. 2015 reprint | Mithal,B.M |
434 | Pharmacokinetics | Gibaldi,M |
435 | Good Manfacturing practices for pharmaceuticals | Willing,S.H |
436 | Good Laboratory practice Regulations | Weinberg,S |
437 | Text book of pharmaceutics | Gaud,R.S, Yadav,A.V |
438 | Good Laboratory practice | Seiler,Jueg,P |
439 | Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms Tablets ( 2 sets) — Vol-I.II & III | Lieberman,H.A |
440 | Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms parenteral medication vol.1,2, & 3 | Kenneth,E, Lieberman,H.A |
441 | Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms Disperse Systems vol.1,2,&3 | Lieberman,H.A. |
442 | SOP Guidelines | Shah,D.H |
443 | Advances in controlled & Novel Drug Delivery | Jain,N.K |
444 | Remington : The Science & practice of pharmacy 21 ed.vol.1& II. 3 sets | Remington |
445 | Martins physical pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences | Sinko,P.J |
446 | Martins physical pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences (south Asian edn.) | Sinko,P.J, Patrick |
447 | International Stability Testing | Mazzo,D.J |
448 | Q A Manual | Shah,D.H |
449 | Stability of Drugs & Dosage Forms | Yoshioka,S,Stella,V.J |
450 | How to practice GMPS Good practices manufacturing. | Sharma,P.P |
451 | How to practice GLP Good Laboratory practices | Sharma,P.P |
452 | Targeted & Controlled Drug Delivery | Vyas,S.P, Khar,R.K |
453 | Drug Formulation Manual | Kolli,D.P.S, Shah,D.H |
454 | Poucher’s Perfumes,Cosmetics&Soaps | Poucher’s Butler,H. |
455 | Applied Biophamaceutics and Pharma cokinetics | Shargel,L. |
456 | Pharmceutical Process Volidation | Nash,R.A. Wachter,A.H. |
457 | Ophthalmic Durg Delivery Systems | Mitra,A.K. |
458 | Laboratory Manual Physical Pharmacy | Subbramanyam,C.V.S |
459 | Biopharmaceutics and Ph.cokinitics | Madan,P.L |
460 | Hospital Pharmacy 1st edn. 2008 reprint | Tippnis,H.P |
461 | Hospital Pharmacy 1st edn. 2013 reprint | Tippnis,H.P |
462 | A Textbook of Hospital Clinical Pharmacy | Siddiqui,A |
463 | Drugs Stability Principles & Practices 3 | Carstensen,Jens |
464 | Generic Drug Product development Solid Oral Dosage Forms | Leon Shargel |
465 | Drug Delivery Principles & Applications | Bang,Binghe |
466 | Hand Book of Pharmaceutical Control Release Technology | Wise Donald,L |
467 | Pharmaceutical Principles of Solid Dosage Forms | Carstensen,J.T |
468 | Trans dermal And Topical Drug Delivery | William,Adrainc |
469 | Guide Book on Molecular Modeling in Drug Design | Cohen, Clande,N |
470 | Drug Drug Ineraction 2 edn, vol. 179 . | Rodrigues David, A |
471 | Cosmetics Science & Technology 3 volumes set, I,II & III. | Balsom,Marviw,S, Sagarin,Edward |
472 | Elements of Clinical Pharmacy | Goyal, Ramesh.K |
473 | Pharmaceutical Process Scale Up | Levin Michael |
474 | Clinical Pharmacy | Tipnis |
475 | Pharmaceutical Calculations | Ansel,Howard,C |
476 | Principles & Practice of Drug Store Administration | Burande, Maheshwari |
477 | Drug information About commonly Used Drugs | Sharma,P.P |
478 | Textbook of clinical Pharmacy Practical Essential Concepts & Skills | Parthasarathi,G |
479 | Fundamentals of Quality Assurence Techniques | Sawant,Ramesh |
480 | Pharmaceuticals Cosmeceuticals | Udupu,N, Popli, |
481 | Nutraceuticals an over View of regulations | Harvindu |
482 | Textbook of Physical Pharmaceutics 2nd edn. 13 reprint | Subramanyam,C.V.S |
483 | Textbook. of Physical Pharmaceutics 3rd edn. 2015 | Subramanyam,C.V.S |
484 | Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy 11th edn. | Yadav,Dr. A.V |
485 | Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy 21st edn. | Yadav,Dr. A.V |
486 | Chemical Process Principles -Part-I | Hougen,O.A |
487 | Laboratory Manual of Pharmaceutics (including Dispensing Pharmacy) | Subramanyam,C.V.S |
488 | Herbal Cosmetics (Hand Book) | Dr.Panda Himadri |
489 | Textbook. of Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics | Subrahmanyam,CVS |
490 | Physical Pharmaceutics | Dr.Manavalan,R |
491 | A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance | Nagdev, Sanjay,A |
492 | Concise Course in Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance. | Dr.Swarnali Das Paul |
493 | Controlled Drug Delivery | Vyas Suresh, P |
494 | Theory and Practice of Physical Pharmacy | Jain Gaurav Kumar |
495 | Dissolution, Bioavalability & Bioequvalence | Abdou, Hamed,M |
496 | Pharmaceutical Quality Assurence All Question & Answers. | Potdar,Manohar,L |
497 | A Comprehensiv Book on Experimental Pharmaceutics | Mousami Kar, Sujit Pillai |
498 | Laboratory Manual for Pharmaceutical Technology and | Bijaya Ghosh |
499 | Biopharmaceutics Experiments. | Rajeshri Dhurke |
500 | Textbook of Cosmetics | Rajesh kumar Nema |
501 | Clinical pharmacokinetics & Therapeutic Drug Monitoring | Aftab Siddique, M |
502 | Textbook of Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics . ( The Drug Delivery and Therapy) | Subrahmanyam,CVS |
503 | Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 4th edn. | Nelson,David,I |
504 | Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 8th edn. | Nelson,David,I |
505 | Biorganic Chemistry | Dugas,H |
506 | T.Book of applied Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology | Rao,G.D |
507 | Fundamentals of Biochemistry | Deb, A.B |
508 | Principles of Techniques of Biochemistry & Moleculor Biology | Wilson,K |
509 | Biochemistry Illustrated | Peter, N.Campbell |
510 | Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry 26th edn, | Murray,R.K |
511 | Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry 27th edn, | Murray,R.K |
512 | Biochemistry 2nd edn 2005 revised reprint. | Sathyanarayana, U |
513 | Biochemistry 3rd edn, 2009 reprint. | Sathyanarayana, U |
514 | Biochemistry 4th edn. 20016 reprint. | Sathyanarayana, U |
515 | Biochemistry 5th edn, 2018 reprint. | Sathyanarayana, U |
516 | Biochemistry 5th revised edn. 2020 reprint reprint. | Sathyanarayana, U |
517 | Introduction to Practical Chemistry | Plummer,D.T |
518 | Text book of Biochemistry | West,E.S |
519 | Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology | Pillai,K.K |
520 | Text book of Biochemistry 9th edn. | Rama Rao,AVSS |
521 | Text book of Biochemistry 10th edn. | Rama Rao,AVSS |
522 | Practical Clinical Biochemistry Varley’s | Gowenlock, A.H |
523 | Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology | Gokhle,S.B |
524 | Introduction to Clinical Biochemistry 1st edn. 2005 reprint. | Dandekar,S.P |
525 | Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology Theory & Practicals | Vidya Sagar, G |
526 | Lecture notes Clinical Biochemistry | Beckett, G |
527 | Biochemistry | Gundu Rao,P |
528 | Multiple Choice Questions in Medical Biochemistry | Sharma, P.K |
529 | Pharmaceutical Biochemistry (Th&Pr) | Sharma,P.K |
530 | Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology | Murugesh,N |
531 | Outlines of Biochemistry | Conn,E.E |
532 | Practical Clinical Biochemistry Varley’s | Harolod,Varley |
533 | Practical Biochemistry for Medical , Dental and Allied Courses | Rajgopal,G, Toora,B.D |
534 | Introduction to Clinical Biochemistry 1st edn. 2013 reprint | Dandekar,S.P |
535 | Practical Biochemistry. | Gupta, R.C, Bhargava. S |
536 | Pharmacology Laboratory Manual vol.1 | Singhal,K.C. |
537 | Pharmacology Laboratory Manual vol.2 | Singhal,K.C. |
538 | Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics 18th edn.2005 reprint | Satoskar,R.S. |
539 | Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics 19th edn.2007 reprint | Satoskar,R.S. |
540 | Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics 22nd edn.2011 reprint | Satoskar,R.S. |
541 | Essentials of pharmacology | Sharma, V.N. |
542 | Clinical pharmacology | Bennett,P.N. |
543 | Pharmacology 5.ed. | Rang,H.P. |
544 | Pharmacology 7th ed. | Rang,H.P. |
545 | Pharmacology | Bhattachorya,S.K. |
546 | Pharmacology Lippincott’s Illustrated Review 3rd edn. | Howland,R.D. |
547 | Pharmacology Lippincott’s Illustrated Review 3rd edn. 2010 reprint | Howland,R.D. |
548 | Pharmacology Lippincott’s Illustrated Review south asian edn.2019 | Sangeetha Sharma |
549 | Pharmacology | Bele,V. |
550 | Concise Text Book of Pharmacology | Murugesh,N. |
551 | Pharmacology& Toxicology | Yadav,A.V. |
552 | Essentials of Medical pharmacology 5th edn. | Tripathi,K.D. |
553 | Essentials of Medical pharmacology 6th edn. | Tripathi,K.D. |
554 | Essentials of Medical pharmacology 7th edn. | Tripathi,K.D. |
555 | Essentials of Medical pharmacology 8th edn. | Tripathi,K.D. |
556 | Essentials of pharmacology | Basu,D.K. |
557 | Experimental pharmacology | Pillai, K.K. |
558 | Adverse Drug Reactions | Grover,J.K |
559 | Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics | Goodman&Gilman’s |
560 | Basic and clinical pharmacology 10th International edn. | Katzung,B.G |
561 | Basic and clinical pharmacology 12 th edn. | Katzung,B.G |
562 | Hand Book of Experimental Pharmacology 3rd edn. 2007 reprint. | Kulkarni,S.K |
563 | Hand Book of Experimental Pharmacology 4th edn. 2015 reprint. | Kulkarni,S.K |
564 | Essentials of Pharmacotherapeutics | Barar,F.S.K |
565 | Practicals in Pharmacology | Goyal,R.K |
566 | Screening methods in Pharmacology 2vol.set Vol-1 & II | Turner,R.A |
567 | Principles of Pharmacology 1st edn. 2008 reprint. | Sharma,K.K, Sharma,K.K |
568 | Principles of Pharmacology 2nd edn. | Sharma,K.K, Sharma,K.K |
569 | Principles of Pharmacology 3rd edn. | Sharma,K.K, Sharma,K.K |
570 | Clinical Medicine | Kumar & Clark |
571 | Pathology And Therapeutics for Pharmasist a basis for clinical Pharmacy practice. | Greene Russell,J |
572 | Introduction to drug metabolisam | Gibson,Gordon/G |
573 | Conceptual Pharmacology | Prasad Jagadish,P |
574 | Medical Pharmacology 4th edn. | Uday Kumar, Padmaja |
575 | Medical Pharmacology 5th edn. | Uday Kumar, Padmaja |
576 | Some topics in Pre-clinical Pharmacology | Dr.Mohan,Mahalaxmi |
577 | Clinical Pharmacy & Therapeutics | Walkar,Roger, Whitlesa,Cate |
578 | Pharmacological Classification of Drug with Doses & Preparations | Tripathi,K.D |
579 | Pharmacotherapeutics 5th edn. | Dipiro,Joseph,T |
580 | Applied Therapeutics 7th edn | Koda-Kimble |
581 | Applied Therapeutics 7th edn | Koda-Kimble |
582 | Modern Pharmacology with Clinical Applications | Craig, R, Charless |
583 | Fundamentals of Experimental Pharmacology | Ghosh, M.N |
584 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry Organic vol.II | Chatwal,G.R |
585 | Principles of pharmaceutical organic chemistry | Nadendla,R.R |
586 | Elementory practical organic chemistry vol.I,II, &III small scale Preparations. | Vogel,Arthur,I |
587 | Textbook of pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry | Mohd, Ali, |
588 | Organic Chemistry 5th edn. | Morrison,RT |
589 | Organic Chemistry 7th edn. | Boyd,R.N. |
590 | Text Book of Organic Chemistry | Arun,Bahl. |
591 | Organic Chemistry vol.I 1st impression 2006. | Finar,I.L |
592 | Organic Chemistry vol.I 6th edn. | Finar,I.L |
593 | Organic Chemistry vol.II : Stereochemistry and the Chemistry of Natural Products. 5th edn.2005 8th Indian reprint. | Finar,I.L |
594 | Organic Chemistry vol.II : Stereochemistry and the Chemistry of Natural Products. 5th edn. 2011 10th Impression. | Finar,I.L |
595 | Vogels Text book of practical Organic Chemistry 5th edn. | Furniss,B.S |
596 | Vogels Text book of practical Organic Chemistry 5th edn. 2023 28th Impression. | Furniss,B.S |
597 | Organic Chemistry | Bruice,P.Y. |
598 | Problems & Their Solutions in Organic Chemistry | Finar,I.L. |
599 | Organic Chemistry Problems & Solutions | Bansal,R.K |
600 | Organic Chemistry 5th edn. | Carey,F.A |
601 | Organic Chemistry 7th edn. | Carey,F.A |
602 | Advanced organic chemistry 1st edn. 2006 reprint. | Arun Bahl |
603 | Advanced organic chemistry 2010 revised edn. | Arun Bahl |
604 | Advanced organic chemistry 22nd edn. | Arun Bahl |
605 | Practical organic chemistry | Mann,G.F |
606 | Organic pharmaceutical chemistry | Kapoor,V.K |
607 | Wilson & Gisvold’s: Text book of organic medicinal & Pharmaceutical chemistry | Block, J.H |
608 | Wilson & Gisvold’s: Text book of organic medicinal & Pharmaceutical chemistry12th edn.2019 reprint. |
Block, J.H |
609 | Concise organic pharmaceutical Chemistry | Deshmuk,K.R, Mahadik,K.R |
610 | Text Book of pharmaceutical Organic chemistry | Bhandari,A |
611 | Hetero cyclic chemistry 4th edn. | Bansal,R.K |
612 | Hetero cyclic chemistry 6th edn. | Bansal,R.K |
613 | Modern methods of organic synthesis | Carruthers,W |
614 | Organic Synthesis | Smith,M.B |
615 | Principles of organic synthesis | Coxon,J.M |
616 | Organic chemistry of natural products Vol.I revised 2005 | Chatwal,G.R |
617 | Organic chemistry of natural products Vol.II 5th edn. 2009 reprint. | Chatwal,G.R |
618 | Organic chemistry of natural products Vol.I 2nd edn. 2007 | Chatwal,G.R |
619 | Organic chemistry of natural products Vol.II 5th edn. 2016 | Chatwal,G.R |
620 | Organic chemistry of natural products Vol.I 2nd edn. 2017 | Chatwal,G.R |
621 | Chemistry of organic natural products Vol.I 32nd edn. 2006 | Agarwal,O.P |
622 | Chemistry of organic natural products Vol.I 42nd edn. 2012 | Agarwal,O.P |
623 | Chemistry of organic natural products Vol.I 39th edn. 2009 | Agarwal,O.P |
624 | Chemistry of organic natural products Vol.II 30th edn. 2006 | Agarwal,O.P |
625 | Chemistry of organic natural products Vol.II 40th edn. 2011 | Agarwal,O.P |
626 | Organic chemistry reactions & Reagents 42 edn. 2006 | Agrawal,O.P |
627 | Reaction mechanism in organic Chemistry 57th edn. 2019 | Agrawal,O.P |
628 | Art of writing reasonable organic reaction mechanism | Grossman,R.P |
629 | Name Reactions | Jie Jack Li |
630 | Organic reaction mechanism | Bansal,R.K |
631 | Stereo Chemistry of Organic compounds | Nasipuri,D |
632 | Spectrometric identification of organic compounds | Silverstein,R.M |
633 | Organic Spectroscopy 3rd edn. Reprint 2006. | Kemp,W |
634 | Organic Spectroscopy 3rd edn. Reprint 2019. | Kemp,W |
635 | Elementary organic spectroscopy principles & chemical Applications 1st edn. 2006 reprint. | Sharma,Y.R |
636 | Elementary organic spectroscopy principles & chemical Applications 5th revised edn. 2013. | Sharma,Y.R |
637 | Organic chemistry of Drug Design & Drug Action. | Silverman,R.B |
638 | Stereo Chemistry conformation And Mechanism 6th edn. | Kalsi,P.S |
639 | Stereo Chemistry conformation And Mechanism 7th edn. | Kalsi,P.S |
640 | Stereo chemistry of carbon compunds | Eliel,E.L |
641 | Text Book of organic pharmaceutical & Medicinal chemistry Vol I&II | Quadry,J.S |
642 | Principles of Medicinal chemistry 2nd edn. 1986 reprint. | Foye,W.O |
643 | Principles of Medicinal chemistry 4th edn. | Foye,W.O |
644 | Principles of Medicinal chemistry 5th edn. | Foye,W.O |
645 | Principles of Medicinal chemistry 7th edn. | Williams, David ,A |
646 | Principles of Medicinal chemistry south Asian edn. | Lemke Thomas, L |
647 | Basic Tests for Drugs | W.H.O |
648 | Principles of Medicinal chemistry vol.II 14th edn. 2005 | Kadam,S.S. |
649 | Principles of Medicinal chemistry vol.I 13th edn. 2005 | Kadam,S.S. |
650 | Principles of Medicinal chemistry vol.II 27th ed. 2020 | Kadam,S.S. |
651 | Principles of Medicinal chemistry vol.I 24th edn. 2022 | Kadam,S.S. |
652 | Principle of organic medicinal chemistry | Nadendla,R.R |
653 | Inorganic pharmaceutical chemistry 3rd edn. 2006 reprint. | Gundu Rao,P |
654 | Inorganic pharmaceutical chemistry 1st edn. 2012 reprint. | Gundu Rao,P |
655 | Instent notes medicinal chemistry | Patrick,G |
656 | Text Book of medicinal chemistry | Parimoo,P |
657 | Drug Design | Kulkarni,V.M |
658 | Basic Tests for pharmaceutical Dosage Forms | W.H.O |
659 | Basic Test for pharmaceutical Substances | W.H.O |
660 | Text book of medicinal chemistry (Synthesis & Biochemical Approach) Vol.I 3rd edn. 2006 reprint. | Pandeya,S.N |
661 | Text book of medicinal chemistry (Synthesis & Biochemical Approach) Vol.I 3rd edn. 2010 reprint. | Pandeya,S.N |
662 | Medicinal & pharmaceutical chemistry | Kapoor,V.K |
663 | Inroganic medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry | Block,J.H, Roche,E.B |
664 | Text Book of pharmaceutical Chemistry | Kasture,A.V |
665 | Text Book of pharmaceutical chemistry -1 -Inorganic1st edn. 2005 reprint | Mohd,Ali |
666 | Text Book of pharmaceutical chemistry -1 -Inorganic 1st edn. 2008 reprint | Mohd,Ali |
667 | Inorganic pharmaceutical chemistry 2nd edn. 2006 | Anees Ahmad Siddiqui,Wani,S.M |
668 | Inorganic pharmaceutical chemistry 4th edn. 2010 | Anees Ahmad Siddiqui,Wani,S.M |
669 | Practical pharmaceutical chemistry II viva voce. | Sharma,N |
670 | Inorganic pharmaceutical chemistry(theory) 2nd edn. 2002 | Tipnis,H.P |
671 | Inorganic pharmaceutical chemistry(theory) 2nd edn. 2010reprint | Tipnis,H.P |
672 | Pharmaceutical chemistry – I | Kasture,A.V |
673 | Concise inorganic pharmaceutical chemistry -1 | Mahadik,K.R,Mahadik,K.R |
674 | Inorganic pharmaceutical chemistry | Devala Rao,G |
675 | Pharmaceutical chemistry Inorganic vol.I 2nd edn. 2006 reprint. | Chatwal,G.R |
676 | Pharmaceutical chemistry Inorganic vol.I 5th edn. 2010 reprint. | Chatwal,G.R |
677 | Pharmaceutical chemistry Inorganic vol.I 5th edn. 2018 edn. | Chatwal,G.R |
678 | Text Book of pharmaceutical Analysis 3rd edns. | Sankar,S.R |
679 | Text Book of pharmaceutical Analysis 4th edns. | Sankar,S.R |
680 | Text Book of pharmaceutical Analysis vol.1 3rd edn. | Devala Rao,G. |
681 | Text Book of pharmaceutical Analysis vol.1 9th edn. 2024 reprint. | Devala Rao,G. |
682 | Text Book of pharmaceutical Analysis vol.II | Devala Rao,G. |
683 | Practical pharmaceutical Analysis | Devala Rao,G. |
684 | Pharmaceutical Analysis vol.1 10th edn. 2005 | Mahadik,K.R, Kastire,A.V |
685 | Pharmaceutical Analysis vol.1 22nd edn.2023 | Mahadik,K.R, Kastire,A.V |
686 | Pharmaceutical Analysis vol. II | Kasture, A.V |
687 | Pharmaceutical Analysis | Parimoo,P |
688 | Instrumental methods of Analysis | Willard,H |
689 | Instrumental methods of Chemical Analysis 5th edn 2006. | Chatwal,G.R, Anand,S.K |
690 | Instrumental methods of Chemical Analysis 5th edn. 2014 reprint. | Chatwal,G.R, Anand,S.K |
691 | Instrumental methods of Chemical Analysis 5th edn. 2017 reprint. | Chatwal,G.R, Anand,S.K |
692 | Analytical chemistry theory & practice | Verma,R.M |
693 | Qualitative chemical semimicro Analysis | Alexeyev,V.N |
694 | Quantitative analysis of Drugs | Garratt,D.C |
695 | Introduction to Instrumental Analysis | Braun,R.D |
696 | Text Book of pharmaceutical Chemistry | Bentley Driver |
697 | Principles of Instrumental Analysis 5th edn. | Skoog |
698 | Text Book of pharmaceutical Analysis | Connors,K.A |
699 | Practical pharmaceutical chemistry Part – I & II | Beckett,A.H |
700 | Pharmaceutical chemistry -1 | Bhandari,A |
701 | Quantitative Analysis | Alexeyev,V |
702 | Pharmaceutical Analysis – I | Sheory,S |
703 | Hand Book of pharmaceutical Analysis | Lena Ohannesion, Streeter.A.J |
704 | Pharmaceutical Analysis Text book for pharmacy students & Pharmaceutical chemistry | Watson,D.G |
705 | Pharmaceutical Analysis | Higuchi,T |
706 | Hand book of Instrumental Techniques for Analytical Chemistry | Settle,F |
707 | Chemistry of process development in fine chemical & Pharmaceutical Industry | Someswara Rao,C |
708 | High performance thin layer Chromatography | Sethi,P.D |
709 | High performance liquid chromatography (Quantitative Analysis of Pharmaceutical Formulation.) 1st edn. 2001. | Sethi,P.D |
710 | High performance liquid chromatography (Quantitative Analysis of Pharmaceutical Formulation.)Vol.6 1st edn. 2015. | Sethi,P.D |
711 | Quantitative analysis of Drugs in pharmaceutical formulation | Sethi,P.D |
712 | Indentification of Drugs in pharmaceutical formulation by thin layer chromatography | Sethi,P.D, Charegaonkar,D |
713 | Text book of Drug Design & Discovery | Larsen,P.K |
714 | Vogel’s T.B of Quantitative Chemical Analysis 6th edn. 2005 reprint. | Mendham.J, Denney, R.C |
715 | Vogel’s T.B of Quantitative Chemical Analysis 6th edn. 2013 7th impression | Mendham.J, Denney, R.C |
716 | Burger’s Medicinal Chemistry & Drug Discovery 6 Volume set.- A to F | Abraham,D.J. |
717 | Quantitative Analysis | Day,R.A |
718 | Laboratory Manual Of Organic Chem. | Bansal,R.K |
719 | Practical Pharmaceutical In-Organic Chemistry | Subba Rao, Bayya |
720 | Medicinal chemistry | Ashutoshkar |
721 | Advanced organic chemistry-4ed | March,Jerry |
722 | Analytical method validation and | Chung chun |
723 | instrument perfomence verification | Lee,Y.C |
724 | Thermodynamics of Pharmaceutical Systems | Connors,Kenneth |
725 | Comprehensive Medicinal Chemistry 1 to 6 Volums set. | Hansch,Corwi.W |
726 | Hetro cyclic Chemistry | Joule,J.A |
727 | Pharmaceutical Formulation | Frokjaer,Sven |
728 | Development of Peptides & Protein | Hougaard,Lars |
729 | Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis | Sharma,B.K |
730 | Spectroscopy Eighth Indian 2011 edn. 4th edn. | Pavia |
731 | Spectroscopy Eighth 2014. 4th edn. 3rd impression. | Pavia |
732 | Organic Chemistry 2nd edn. .2010 5th printing. | Mehta & Mehta, Bhupindra |
733 | Organic Chemistry 2nd edn..2015 9th printing. | Mehta & Mehta, Bhupindra |
734 | The Principles of Hetrocyclic Chemistry | Katritzkey |
735 | Advanced Pracatical Medicinal Chemistry | Kar,Ashutosh |
736 | Chemistry of Natural Products | Krishna Swamy, P.R |
737 | Chemistry of Natural Products Laboratory Hand book | Krishna Swamy, P.R |
738 | Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry | Ahluwalia,V.K, Renu Agarwal |
739 | Pharmaceutical Drug Analysis | Ashuthoskar |
740 | Laboratory Hand book of Instrumental Drug Analysis | Nagavi,B.G |
741 | Organic Chemistry- Vol. I & II | Bhakta,Chittaranjan |
742 | T.B. of Pharmaceutical Analysis (Practical & Competitive Aspects) Volume –II | T.Ramalingam,P,Dr. |
743 | T.B. of Physical Chemistry | Atkins |
744 | Organic Reaction Mechanisms | Ahluwalia, V.K |
745 | An Introduction to the Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds | Morrin Achesson, R |
746 | Green Chemistry (Environmentally Benign Reaction) | Ahluwalia, V.K |
747 | Analytical Chemistry | Kennedy, John,H |
748 | Vogel’s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis | Svehla,G, Siva Sankar, B |
749 | Advanced Medicinal Chemistry A Laboratory Guide. | Prasad Raghu,M |
750 | Heterocyclic Chemistry | Gilchrist Thomas, L |
751 | An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry | Patric Graham, L |
752 | Smith & William Introduction to the Principles of Drug Design & Action. | Smith John |
753 | Textbook of Medicinal Chemistry Vol.I & II | Alagarwamy,V |
754 | Pharmaceutical Titrimetric Analysis. Theory and Practical. | Napoleon, A.A |
755 | Practical Medicinal Chemistry 1 and III. | Rajesh Kumar Nema |
756 | Practical Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I and II | Rajesh Kumar Nema |
757 | Viva Voce in Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Amrita, Parle |
758 | Viva Voce in Inorganicl Chemistry | Amrita, Parle |
759 | Practical Medicinal Chemistry | Harish Rajak |
760 | A Practical Approach to Pharmaceutical Analysis.((Instrumental and Manual) | Rajesh Kumar Nema |
761 | Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry . | Anees Ahmed Siddique |
762 | Instrumental Methods of Analysis. | Gray, N,Calrin,M |
763 | Career in pharmacy | Gupta,S |
764 | Pharmacy Examination Review | Gerraughty,R.J |
765 | Taras Dictionary of pharmacy | Mohd Ali |
766 | GATE pharmacy solved question papers 1988 | Ramachandran,R |
767 | Objective type pharmacy 13th edn. | Mohd Ali |
768 | Gate : a Companion 2nd edn. | Inamder,N.N |
769 | Pocket Medical Dictionary | Gupta & Gupta |
770 | Drugs & Cosmetics Act.1940. | Vijay Malik |
771 | Dictionary of Chemistry | Sharma,J.L |
772 | Comprehensive pharmacy review | Shargel,L |
773 | Pharmacy review rapid fire | Talavera, |
774 | A to Z drug Facts | Tatro |
775 | NIPER: A Companion | Inamder,N.N |
776 | Pharma Competition: A Geneque Guide Vol.I | Yewale,Chetan,P |
777 | GPAT A Companion 2013 & Other competitive in Pharmacy | Waghulkar,vijeyn, Painthntar, Vivek,V |
778 | Pharma Stroke Preparetive for GPAT | Dasgupta,Tarun Kumar |
779 | Pharma Quiz GPAT Pharmacy Competitive Exam | Samba Reddy, Dr. D |
780 | GPAT & GATE Pharmacy Objectice type | Vidya Sagar,G |
781 | GPAT & GATE Pharmacy Solved Paters 1988-2012 Question bank. | Vidya Sagar,G |
782 | V.N.Shuklas Constitution of Indian | Singh, Mahendra Pal |
783 | Drugs & Cosmetics Act.1940 & Rules 1945 Drugs Order 2013. | Deshpande, S.W, Nilesh Gandhi |
784 | The Swachh Bharat Revolution, (Four Pillars of Indias Behavioral Transformation) | Parameswaran, |
785 | Narendra Modi – Harbinger of Prosperity & | Dr.Aggarwala, |
786 | Apostle of world Peace. | Adibic |
787 | GPAT : A Companion (for Pharmacy) 20th edn. | Inamdar, Nazaid,U |
788 | Objective type pharmacy 13th edn. | Ali Mohmmed Dr. |
789 | Community Pharmacy Practice | Ramesh Adepu |
790 | Review of Preventive & Social Medicine (Including Biostatistics) | Jain, Vivek |
791 | Textbook of Pharmacovigilance Concept and Practice | Mohanta Guru Prasad |
792 | Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data | Lee Mary |
793 | Short Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine. | Prabhakar,G.N |
794 | Textbook of Pharmacovigilance (Ensuring the safe use for Medicine) | Gupta, S.K, Srivasthava, Sushma |
795 | Practical Drug Safety from A to Z | Cobert Barton |
796 | Principles And Practice of Clinical Research | Gallin, John, I, Ognibene, Freediria, P |
797 | Essentials of Community Medicine. A Practical Approach | Hiremath, Lalitha,D |
798 | Mahajan & Gupta. Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine. | Rabindranath Roy |
799 | Park’s Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine 25th edn. | Park, K |
800 | Park’s Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine 27th edn. | Park, K |
801 | Pathophysiology | Ramesh Kumar Marya |
802 | Robbins & Cotran Pathlogic Basis of Desease Volume I & II Gray’s Anatomy for Students |
Kumar, Abbas, Droke, Richard,L |
803 | T.B. Of Pathology.(Free Pathology Quick Review & MCQ’S Based on Harsh Mohan’s T.B. 7th Edition. |
Mohan Harsh |
804 | Inderbir Singh’s Textbook of Human Histrology. (with coulor Atlas and Practical Guide) | Vasudeva, Neelam |
805 | Best & Taylor’s Physiological Basis of Medical Practics. | Best&Taylor’s , Tando,O.P, Tripati,y |
806 | Practical Work book of Human Physiology | Nageswari Sri,K |
807 | Gayton & Hall. Textbook of Medical Physiology | Hall, John, E |
808 | Hand Book of Pharmacy Health Education | Harman, Robin, J |
809 | Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data | Lee Mary |
810 | Text Book on Clinical Research. A Guide for Aspiring Professional and Professionals. | Guru Prasad Mohanta |
811 | Clinical Data Management 2nd Edition. | Rondel, Richard,K |
812 | Drug Discovery Clinical Research | Gupta, S.K ,Sushma Srivasthava |
813 | Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics 24th edn | Satoskar, R.S |
814 | Rang & Dale’s Pharmacology International 8th edn. | Rang, H.P |
815 | Goodman & Gilman’s . The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 13th edn. | Brunton, L, Laurence |
816 | Clinical Chemistry theory analysis, and Corredation. | Kaplan, Lawrence, A.P |
817 | Fundamentals of Biochemistry 9th edn. | Dr.Deb, A.C |
818 | Practical Biochemistry | Gupta, R.C |
819 | Manual of Practical Biochemistry for Medical Students | Rafi, MD |
820 | Clinical Pharmacy & Therapeutics | Walder, Roger |
821 | Pathology & Therapeutics for pharmacists 3rd edn. | Green, Russell |
822 | Koda-Kimble & Young’s Applied Therapeutics the clinical use of Drugs. | Alldredg,Brain,K |
823 | Pharmacotherapy A Pathologic Approach. 10th edn. | Wells, Barbara,G, Dipiro, Joseph,T |
824 | Clinical Pharmacy & Therapeutics | Herfindal, Erics,T |
825 | Pharmacotherapy Handbook Pharmacotherapy A Pathologic Approach. | Wells, Barbara,G, Dipiro, Joseph,T |
826 | Avery’s Drug Treatment Volume. I & II | Speight, M,Trevor |
827 | Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine Volume. I & II. | James,Larry,J |
828 | Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapeutics | Ravi Shankar, K |
829 | Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics | Basavaraj,K, Nanjwade |
830 | Handbook of Drug Monitoring Methods.(Therapeutics and Drugs of Abuse) | Dasgupta, Amitava |
831 | Introduction to Orgnaic Chemistry | Brown, William,Poon |
832 | Organic Chemistry | Pine, Stanley, H |
833 | Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry | Vishnoi, N.K |
834 | March’s Advanced organic chemistry (Reactions, Mechanisms and Structure) | Smith, Michael, B. |
835 | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Fundamentals & Applications | Crommelin, Dean, J.A |
836 | Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Concepts & Applications. | Walsh, Gary |
837 | Molecular Biology of the cell | Albert Bruce |
838 | Genes IX | Lewin Benjamin |
839 | Molecular Biology (Bios Instant Notes) | Mchennan Alexander |
840 | Molecular Cell Biology | Lodish Berk, Kaiser |
841 | Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology | Jaggi Amteshwar Singh |
842 | Textbook of Medicinal Chemistry Vol-I & II | Ilango, K |
843 | Textbook of medicinal chemistry (Synthetic, biochemical approach Vol- I & II 2019 reprint. | Pandeya, S.N. |
844 | A Textbook of Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry. | Pandeya, S.N. |
845 | Forensic Pharmacy 34th edn. 2022. | Dr. Kuchekar,B.S |
846 | Intellectual Property Rights in Pharmaceutical Industry. (Theory and Practice) | Subba Rao Bayya, Appaji, P.V |
847 | Higher Engineering Mathematics | Grewal, B.S |
848 | Integral Calculus For B.A & B.Sc. Students. | Narayan, Shanti |
849 | Cooper & Gunn’s Tutorial Pharmacy 2005 reprint. | Carter, S.J |
850 | How to Practice GMPs A Treatis on Gmps. | Sharma,P.P |
851 | Pharmaceutical Statistics Practical Applications. | Bolton,Sanford, Bon,Charles |
852 | Drug Information A guide for Pharmacists. | Malone, Patric,M |
853 | Immunology & Serology in Laboratory Medicine. | Turgeon, Louise Mary |
854 | Applied Microbiology | Kale, Vanita, Bhusri, |
855 | Prescott’s Microbiology 8th edn.2011 | Willey, Jonnes |
856 | Prescott’s Microbiology 9th edn. 2014 | Willey, Jonnes |
857 | Principles and Practice of Clinical Pharmacy | Vikas Dhikav |
858 | Principles of Clinical Research. | Dr.Ghooi, R.B |
859 | Textbook of Clinical Trials | Machin, David |
860 | Pharmacoepidemology and Pharmacoeconomics Concepts and Practice. | Revi Kumar,K.G |
861 | Hospital Pharmacy | Hassan, William, E |
862 | A T.B of Clinical Research and Pharmacovigilance | Chowdary, K.P.R |
863 | Clinical Research (Principles Practices, Perspectives) | Mittal Niti, Medhi Bikash |
864 | Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy | Balasubrahmanyam,S |
865 | Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health care Programmes | Drummond, Michael,F |
866 | Practice of Hospital, Clinical and Community Pharmacy | Aquil, Mohd |
867 | Pharmacoepidemiology | Storm, Brain, L |
868 | Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy | Randir Singh Dahiya |
869 | Bentley’s Textbook of Pharmaceutics. An Adaptation.8th edn. | Jain, Sanjay,T |
870 | Rowland and Tozer’s Clinical | Derendorf Hartmed |
871 | Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. Concepts and Applications.(South Asian Edn.) | Sehmidt Stephan |
872 | Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics | Shargel Leon |
873 | Clininical Pharmacokinetics and Therapeutics Drug Monitoring. | Eswar Gupta Maddi |
874 | Concepts in Clinical Pharmacokinetics | Southwood Robin, Fleming, Viginia, H |
875 | Pharmaceutical Practice | Judith, A, Rees |
876 | Modern Toxicology 3 volume set. | Gupta, P.K |
877 | Medical Toxicology Diagnosis & Treatment of Human Poisoning. | Elenhorn, Mathew, J |
878 | Textbook of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology | Pillay,V.V |
879 | Handbook of Analytical Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Toxicology. | Wong, Steven,H.Y, Sunshine, Trving |
880 | Modern Medical Toxicology. (Completely updated, revised and profusely Illustrated.) | Pillay,V.V |
881 | Medical Toxicology of Drug Abuse. (Synthesized chemicals and Psychoactive Plants) | Barceloux, Donald, G |
882 | Principles of Instrumental Analysis 6th edn. | Skoog,Douglas, A |
883 | Pharmaceutical Chemical Analysis & Instrumental Techniques Vol. I & II. Vol.2 | Chatten, Leslie,G |
884 | Quantitative Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Jenkins, Glenn,L,Keney |
885 | Thin Layer Chromotography A Laboratory Hand book.2nd edn. 2009 reprint. | Stahl,Egon |
886 | The Organic Chemistry of Drug Design & Action. 3rd edn. | Silverman, Richard |
887 | Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compunds 18th edn. | Silversrein, Robert, M |
888 | Comprehensive Pharmacy Review. | Shargel, Leon |
889 | Complete Textbook of Medical Pharmacology 2 volumes.Volum I & II . | Srivastava, S.K |
890 | Principles of Pharmacology. The Pathologic Basis of Drug Therapy. | Golan, David, E, Armstrong, Ehrin,J |
891 | Screening Methods in Pharmacology Vol.I & II | Turner Robert, A |
892 | Oxford Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Therapy. | Smith Graham, D.G |
893 | Goodman & Gilman’s . The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 14th edn. | Brunton, L, Laurence, Knollmann, Bjorn,C |
894 | Hand book of Essential Pharmacokinetics and Drug Metabolism for Industrial Scientist. | Younggil Kwon, Ph.D |
895 | Clinical Pharmacology 12th edn. | Brown, Morris,J |
896 | Evaluation of Drug Activities Pharmacometrics Vol. I & II. | Dr.Laurence,R, Bacharach, A.L |
897 | Animal Moderls in Cariovascular Research | Gross, David, R |
898 | Animal Moderls in Toxicology | Gad Shayne Cox |
899 | Principles of Toxicology | Stine, Karen, E |
900 | Drug Screening Methods | Gupta, S.K |
901 | Sreening Metnods in Pharmacology Volume I & II | Turner, Robert,A |
902 | Screening Methods in Pharmacology | Parmar,N.S |
903 | Methods in Pharmacology | Schwartz Arnold |
904 | Molecular Pharmacology from DNA to Drug Discovery | Dickenson, John |
905 | Animal Cell Culture | Masters, Jon, R.W |
906 | Hand book of Cell Signaling Volume I, II &III | Bradshaw, Ralph,A |
907 | Basic Cell Culture Protocols | Helgason,Cheryl,D |
908 | Basic Cell Culture A Practical Approach | Davis, J.M |
909 | Biological Standardization | Burn , J.H |
910 | The Cell A Molecular Approach 6th edn. | Cooper, Geoffrey,M |
911 | The Cell A Molecular Approach 8th edn. | Cooper, Geoffrey,M |
912 | Pracrical Manual of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology | Medhi Bikash, Prakash Ajay |
913 | Rodents for Pharmacological Experiments | Tapan Kumar, Chatterjee |
914 | Robbiins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease Vol. I & II 10th edn. | Kumar Vinay, Abbas, Abdul, K |
915 | Disease Gene Identification Methods and Protocols | Distefano, Johanna, K |
916 | Rational Drug Design. Novel Methodology and Practical Applications. | Parill, Abby,L Rami Reddy,M |
917 | Target Discovery and Validation Reviews and Protocols2 volume set. Volume-I&II. | Sioud Mouldy |
918 | New Drug Development. An Introduction to Clinical Trials. | Turner, Rick, J |
919 | Drugs From Discovery to Approval | Rick, N.G |
920 | In Silico Technologies in Drug Target Identification and Validation. | Leon Darryl, Markd Scott |
921 | Structure-based ligand design. (Methods and Principles in Medicinal chemistry) | Gubernator Klaus, Joachim Bohm Hans. |
922 | QSAR: Hansch Analysis and Related Approaches volume-I | Kubinyi, Hugo, Mannhold,R |
923 | Drug Discovery and Evaluation methods in Clinical Pharmacology. | Hans Gerhard Vogel, Jochesmaas, Alexander Gebaues. |
924 | Instrumental Analytical Methods of Chemical Analysis. | Ewings, Galen,W |
925 | Clarks Analysis of Drug & Poisons. Volume I & II | Moffat, A.C |
926 | The Analysis of Drugs in Biological Fluids | Chamberlin Joseph |
927 | Pharmaceutical Analysis Modern Methods . Part- A & B. | Monson, John, W |
928 | Chromatographic Analysis of Pharmaceuticals. | Adamovics, A,John |
929 | Analysis of Food Constituents. | Multon,J.L |
930 | NMR Spectroscopy Basic Principles , Concepts and Applications in Chemistry | Gunther Harold |
931 | Pharmaceutical Analysis I & II. (Instrumental Methods) | Komboj, P.C |
932 | Ewings Analytical Instrumentation Hand Book | Cazes Jack |
933 | Identification and Determination of Impurities in Drugs | Gorog, S |
934 | Pharmaceutical Analysis A Practical Manual | Dahiya Randir Singh |
935 | Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances. 1 to 33 volumes set. | Florey Klaus, Brittain Hurry,G |
936 | Instrumental Methods of Drug Analysis. | Vidya Sagar, G |
937 | Basics of Drug Analysis | Vidya Sagar, G |
938 | Practical Manual of Analytical Chemistry | Neelam Singla |
939 | Chiral seperation methods (for Pharmaceutical and Biotechnological Pruducts. | Ahuja Satinder |
940 | NMR Spectroscopy in Pharmaceutical Analysis. | Halzgrabe,U, Wower,T |
941 | Understanting NMR Spectroscopy. | Keeler James |
942 | HPLC method development for Pharmaceuticals. | Ahuja Satinder |
943 | HTLIC Hydrophetic Interaction chromatography. (Comprehensive Guide) | Grumbach, Eric, S, Fountain, Kenneth, J |
944 | A Practical Approach to Pharmaceutical Analysis. Instrumental and Manual. | Rajesh Kumar Nema, Meyyanthan, S.N |
945 | NMR Spectroscopy explained theory, applications and examples for organic chemistry and structural biology) | Jacobson, Neil, E |
946 | Pharmaceutical Analysis | Higuchi, T |
947 | Handbook of Isolation & Characterization of Impuritics in Pharmaceuticals | Ahuja, Satinder, Alsante Karan Mills |
948 | Cosmetic Technology | Nanda, S |
949 | Law Relating to Drugs & Cosmetics | Malik, Vijay |
950 | Introduction to the Chemical Analysis of foods | Nielson, Suzenne,S |
951 | Modern Cosmetics | Thomssen,E.G |
952 | Research Methodology Anew Approach | Parvathishwar Rao |
953 | Total Quality Management An Interated Approach | Kiran, D.R |
954 | Total Quality Management Text, Cases & Reading | Ross, Joel, E |
955 | G.M.P/ ISO Qualty Audit Manual for Health care Manufacturers and Their Suppliers. Volume. I & II |
Steinborn, Leonard |
956 | Quality Systems and Control for Pharmaceuticals | Sarker, Dipak,K |
957 | Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs | Subrahmanyam,CVS |
958 | A Treatise Regulatory Affairs & Quality Management Vol. I & II. | Dr.Varun, D |
959 | Intellectual Property Rights. Unleashing the Knowledge Economy | Dr. Ganguli, Prabhudbha |
960 | Practical HPLC Methods Development | Snyder, Lloyd, R |
961 | Pharmaceutical Master Validation Plan the Ultimate Guide to FDA, GMP & GLP Compliance .( Include- CD) | Haider, Syed Imtiaz |
962 | Validation of Pharmaceutical Process | Agallico, James |
963 | Validation Standard Operating Procedures | Haider |
964 | Industrial Pharmacy Selected Topics | Subrahmanyam,CVS |
965 | Pharmaceutical Equipment Validation. The Ultimate Qualification Guide Book. | Cloud Phil |
966 | Handbook of HPLC – HPTLC | Rajesh kumar |
967 | Fundamentals of Statistics 7th Revised & Enlarged Edition. | Gupta,S.C |
968 | Introduction to the Practice of Statistics | More, David, S |
969 | Research Methodology | Parvathishwara Rao, B |
970 | A Text book of Research Methodology and Biostatistics (For Pharmacy Students) | Chowdary, K.P.R |
971 | The Wiley Encyclopedia of Packaging Technology | Yam Kit, L |
972 | Selection Preparation & Pharmacological Evaluation of Plant Material | Elizabet, M, William |
973 | Pharmaceutical Bioassays Methods & Applications | Peng, Shiqui |
974 | Modern Methods of Drug Discovery | Hillishch, Alexanders |
975 | Text Book of Organic Chemistry | Ferrugson,Llouyd,N |
976 | Organic Chemistry | Clayden/Greeves |
977 | Advanced Organic Chemistry Structure & Mechanism. Part A&B . | Carey, Francist, Sundberg, Richard,J |
978 | Experimental Organic Chemistry Standard & Microscale | Harwood,Lm,Moody,C.J, Perey,J.M |
979 | The Organic Chemistry of Drug synthesis 6 Vol.setA to F | Lednicer,Daniel |
980 | Unit Process in Organic Syntehesis 5th ed. | Groggins |
981 | Polymorphism in Pharmaceutical Solids | Brittain, Harr, G |
982 | Organic Synthesis Special Techniques | Ahluwalia, V.K |
983 | Organic Synthesis (The Disconnection Approach) | Warren, Stuart |
984 | Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries | Georg, T, Austio |
985 | Pharmaceutical Process Chemistry for Synthesis. (Rething the Routes to Scale- Up) | Harrington, J,Peter |
986 | Dryden’s Outlines of Chemical Technology. (For the 21st Century) | Gopala Rao, M, Marshal Sitti, G |
987 | A Guide Book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry | Sykes,Peter |
988 | Organic Reaction Mechanisms 3rd edn. | Ahluwalia, V.K |
989 | Organic Reaction Mechanisms | Gallego,M, Goerz,Sierra,M.A |
990 | Modern Methods of Pharmaceuitcal Analysis 2vol.set. | Schirmer |
991 | Instrumental Analysis 6th Indian print 2010 | Skoog, Holler, Crouch |
992 | Analytical Chemistry | Christian Gary,D |
993 | Essential of Medicinal Chemistry | Korolkovas, Andrejus |
994 | Hand Book of Drug Screening | Seethala, Rama Krishna |
995 | Medicinal Chemistry A Molecular & Biochemical Approach. | Nogardy,Thomas |
996 | An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry | Patrick, Graham,L |
997 | Foye’s Priniciples of Medicinal chemistry 6th edn. | Lemke,Thomas,L |
998 | Strategy of Drug Design: A Guide to Biological Activity. | Purcell, Willism,P |
999 | Drug Design. I To X Vol. Set. A to J | Aliens,E.J |
1000 | Stereo Chemistry of Organic compounds | Eliel, Ernest, L |
1001 | Quantitative Drug Design (A Critical Introduction) | Martin, Yuonne, Connolly |
1002 | Computational and Structural Approaches to Drug Discovery. | Stroud, M, Robert |
1003 | The Biochemistry of Drug Metabolism:Principles. | Testa, Bernard |
1004 | Introductory Statistics | Mann, Prim,S |
1005 | Introductory Statistics with C.D | Weirs,Neil,A |
1006 | Entrepreneurship | Hisrich,Roberts,Peter Michaul,P |
1007 | Drug Screening Methods Pre clinical Evaluationon of New Drugs | Gupta,S.K |
1008 | Chemistry of Natural Products | Bhat,Sujatha,V |
1009 | The Factories Act 1948 |
1010 | Consumer Protection Act 1986 Bare Act |
1011 | Law Relating to Intellectual Property | Wadehra,Dr.B.L |
1012 | Intellectual Property Laws With Short Notes |
1013 | Techniques of Solubilization of Drugs | Yalkowsky,Samuel,H |
1014 | Pharmaceutical Dissolution Testing | Dressman,Jennifer |
1015 | Pharmaceutical Preformulation & Formulation (A Practical Guide from Candidate drug Selection to Commercial Dosage Form) | Gibson, Mark |
1016 | Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients. | Rowe,Raymande,C |
1017 | Pharmaceutical Dosage forms: Disperse systems V0l.1,II&III. | Liberman, Herbert, A |
1018 | Pharmaceutical Dissolution Testing | Umesh, Banakar |
1019 | Generic Drug Product Development Solid Oral Dosage Forms. | Shargel, Leon |
1020 | Drug Stability Principles & Practices. | Cartensen, Jenst,T |
1021 | Pharmaceutical Pelletization Technology | Ghebre Isaac, Sellassie |
1022 | Pharmaceutical Product Development | Janin, N.K |
1023 | Absorption and Drug Development (Solibility Permeability and Charge State) | Avdeef, Alex |
1024 | Pharmaceutical technology . A Practical manual. | Dr. Sushma Talegaonkar. |
1025 | Pharmaceutical Product Development | Dakshina Murthy Chilkur |
1026 | Drug Discovery and Development. | Mukund, S, Chorghad |
1027 | Pharmaceutical Production Facilities (Design & Application) | Cole,Graham,C |
1028 | Packaging of Pharmaceuticals & Health care Products | Lockhart,H, Paine,F.A |
1029 | Product Design & Testing of Polymeric Materials | Cheremisinoff, Nicholas,P |
1030 | Freeze Drying/Lypholization | Rey,Louis |
1031 | Pharmaceutcal Project Management | Kennedy,Tony |
1032 | Microencapsulation Methods and Industrial Applications | Benita Simon |
1033 | Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology | Swarbrick James |
1034 | Statistical Methodology in the Pharmaceutical Sciences | Berry,Donald,A |
1035 | Encyclopedia of Controled Drug Delivery Vol.2set. V.I & II. | Mathiowitz,Edith |
1036 | Quality assurence & Quality management in pharmaceutical industry | Anjaneyulu,Y, Marayya,R |
1037 | Novel Drug Delivery Systems. | Chien, Yiew |
1038 | Controlled Drug Delivery | Robinson, Joseph,R |
1039 | CRC Polymers for Controlled Drug Delivery | Tarcha Peter,J |
1040 | Biodhesive DDS Vol.98, Fundementals Novel Approaches & Development. | Mathowitz,Chickring |
1041 | Protein Formulation & Delivery | Mc Nally Eigeme,J |
1042 | Polymeric drug delivery system | Kwon, Glen, S |
1043 | Essentials of Pharmaceutical Preformulation | Gaisford, Simon |
1044 | Oral Controlled Release Formulation Design & Drug Delivery. | Wen, Hong, Park, Kinam |
1045 | Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery. Biotechnology: Pharmaceutical Aspects. | Devilliers, Melgardt, Aramcoit, Pornanong |
1046 | H.B of Pharmaceutical Granulation Technolgy | Parikh, Dilip, M |
1047 | Polymeric Biomaterials Medicinal & Pharmaceutical Applications Vol- 2 | Dumitrice, Souerion |
1048 | Hand book of Cosmetic Science and Technology | Barel, A, andre, Paye, Marc |
1049 | Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences. 4 Volumes set.1 to 4 | Bean, H.S, Becket, A.H |
1050 | Oral Modified Release Drug Delivery Systems | Khare, Piush |
1051 | Bioadhesion Approaches to Drug Delivery | Mishra, Dinesh, K |
1052 | Novel Drug Delivery Systems. | Tripathi, D.K |
1053 | Cosmetics A Practical Manual. | Swarnalata Saraf |
1054 | Topical and Trans dermal drug delivery. (Principles and Practices) | Benson, Hathr, A.C, Walkinson, Adom,C |
1055 | Pharmaceuticals from Microbes. (The Bioengineering Perspective) | Divya Arora, Chetan Sharma |
1056 | Advanced Pharmaceutics , Physicochemical Princeiples. | Kim,Cherng-Ju |
1057 | Martin Physical Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences 6th edn. | Sinko, Patrick,J |
1058 | Advances in Pharmaceutical Technology | Dinda, S.C |
1059 | Pharmaceutical Technology. A Practical Manual. | Dr. Sushma, Talegaonkar |
1060 | Production & Operation Management | Chary, S.N |
1061 | Applied Production & Operations Management | Evans, James, R |
1062 | Text Book of Biopharmaceuticals & Clinical Pharmacokinetics | Niazi,Sarfaraz |
1063 | Delivery Technologies for Biopharmaceuticals | Lene & Jorgensen |
1064 | Peptides, Proteins, Nucleic Acids & Vaccines. | Nielsen, Hannemorck |
1065 | Basic Pharmacokinetics. | Jambhekar, S, Sunil |
1066 | Text book of Biopharmaceutics & Phrmacokinetics | Dr,Shobha Rani, Hiremath, R |
1067 | Basic Pharmacokinetics. | Hedeya, Mahsen, A |
1068 | Pharmacokinetic Principles of Dosing Adjustments. (Understanding the Basics) | Schoenwal d, Ronald,D |
1069 | Models for Assessing Drug Absorption and Metabolism.. (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology) | Borchardt, Ronald,T |
1070 | Clinical Trials and Human Research ( A Practical Guide to Regulatory Compliance) 1st edn. 2003 | Rozovsky, Fay, A |
1071 | Clinical Trials and Human Research ( A Practical Guide to Regulatory Compliance) 1st edn. 2018 reprint | Rozovsky, Fay, A |
1072 | Basic Concepts in Pharmaceutical Research | Ghosh, Bijaya |
1073 | Computer Aided Applications in Pharmaceutical Technology. | Djuris , Jelina |
1074 | A Textbook of Computer Aided Drug Development. | Narayana Reddy, Korri, V.V |
1075 | Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients.9th edn. | Shesky, Paul, J |
1076 | Pharmaceutical Preformulation | Cartensen, J. T. |
1077 | The Pharmaceutical Regulatory Process | Berry, Ira, R, Martin, Robert, D |
1078 | Computer Applications in Pharmaceutical Research and Development 2019 reprint. | Ekin’s, Sean |
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