Purpose of Policy
The purpose of this policy is to outline the philosophy and broad principles which enable Library services to provide access to high quality collections in support of teaching,learningand research.
This policy applies to all staff, researchers and students.
The Library’s Management Team is responsible for implementation of this policy.
Supporting Learning, Teaching and Research
The Library’s collections aim to support current learning and teaching needs. In terms of information requirements, research is supported through collection of all national and international journals available physically as well as digitally.
It is Library policy to make as much of our physical collections available on open shelves as possible so that staff and students can retrieve items for themselves. However, some of our collections are housed in reserve stock which is a secure area of the Library. Most of the items held in Reserve Stock are for reference use only within the Library. They are mainly primary and research material of ongoing value, secondary material which compliments and thesis
The Library aims to make material available in relevant ‘formats’. The chief formats supported are as follows:
Print and E-books Format choice depends on availability, cost/value for money, licence terms, accessibility issues, anticipated demand, importance of illustrations, etc. However, it is Library Services’ policy to provide essential reading electronically wherever possible.
The Library provides access to a comprehensive collection of current newspapers the vast majority of these are in the English language.
The purpose of the Circulation Policy is to ensure that the circulation is applied consistently, fairly and accurately. The policy provides guidelines to all students , library staff members and faculty members in implementing the circulation of the library materials.
Students must present a valid identification card or a photo ID and must have a valid library account in order to check out library materials
All library materials, except Reference Material and items in Reserves, may be checked out for one week and may be renewed up to two times, if the item is not requested by another patron. Each patron can check out no more than three items from the library at a time.
It is the responsibility of the borrower of the library material for the use and return of all library materials borrowed under the account.
Library reserves the right to limit borrowing privileges or deny to anyone who repeatedly infringes the library’s circulation policy and procedures and fails to take appropriate measures for damaged or lost library materials.
Late fees and damaged or lost library materials are the responsibility of the borrower. Library staff informs patrons about the material due date at the time of check-out/renewal. However, it is the patrons’ responsibility to check their library account status by contacting the library either by email, phone call or in person. If item(s) are not returned within the designated borrowing period, applicable fees will be assessed to the cardholder’s account and the patron’s borrowing privileges are suspended
RBVRRWCP Library offers access to e-resources through digital library for educational and personal benefit. The purpose of this policy is to make the Library’s responsibility clear to the patrons regarding the use of computers and the internet in the Library.
Students and other library users must accept responsibility for determining the validity and suitability of content using the computers and the internet in the Library. The library staff is prepared to offer assistance in locating resources on and/or about the Internet, and training will be provided on request. In accordance with the Library Code of Conduct, computer users are expected to use library workstations responsibly and respectfully as not to disturb other patrons. The Library staff reserves the right to ask patrons engaging in non-academic/recreational activities requiring a computer such as gaming, watching movies, and sporting events that encourage congregation of groups and elevated noise levels to move to a campus computer lab where those activities are more readily accommodated
Library patrons are responsible for their own property and are expected to properly monitor their belongings while in the Library. The Library is not responsible for any personal items or belongings that Library patrons lose or leave behind. However, if such items are found in the library, they will be held at the Library for 4 (four) weeks and then will be disposed of. The exceptions are food and drink items and any other unsanitary items, which will be disposed of shortly before closing.
Items that are turned in to the Service Desk, or items that are left in the library and found at the time of closing (e.g., in study rooms, on table surfaces, etc.) will be held behind the counter at the Reference Desk in a special drawer. Items will be tagged with the date, time and location found with a note. If the patron’s name is clearly marked, every attempt will be made to contact owners
Patrons and visitors are not permitted to have phone conversations, listen to sound recordings, music, or audio devices without a personal headset in an effort to provide noise reduction in the library. People using either library or personal computers must use an audio headset or ear buds to reduce distraction to other patrons. Each patron is responsible for his or her own headset. The library does not provide spare audio headsets for loan to patrons or visitors.
Cell phone conversations are permissible if they are kept short and at a low voice/volume to avoid disturbing quiet study of other patrons. Patrons with noisy or extended conversations will be asked to take their calls out in the lobby. Likewise, speaker phone use is not permitted in the Library and patrons using speaker phone will be asked to use a headset or to take their calls out in the lobby
If library staff determines any library items to be unfit, excessively worn, or in any way damaged, it will not be available for check out. The Librarian and/or library staff will make every attempt to inspect each library item for any damage before it is checked out, but ultimately, the patron is responsible for inspecting materials for damage or missing pages/parts before checkout. All items returned to the library are checked for all pieces and damage before the item(s) is cleared from the patron’s library account. The library staff will contact the patron if the item(s) is found damaged or if there are missing pieces. The patron is responsible for all fees for damaged, missing, or lost items that are checked out on his/her NAU ID card.
All the staff members within the institution may use library materials and services just as students do. Faculty members may request extended checkout periods if materials are to be used for classroom use/lesson preparation or academic research. The Library will still reserve the right to recall materials if there are requests for said materials by students.
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